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See why thousands of veterinary professionals and pharmacists trust Plumb’s to help them make confident decisions for the animals in their care.

All the clinical information you need, all on one easy-to-use platform

Find essential information, fast

Search your patient’s condition, clinical signs, prescriptions, or even vaccinations to find practical guidance in seconds, so you can move on to your next case.

Get guidance for real cases

When was the last time a case went exactly as expected? Plumb’s™ has your back with accurate information on common challenges for hundreds of clinical conditions and signs.

Educate pet owners efficiently

Securely send pet owner guides that cover clinical conditions, preventive care, common procedures, and medications, so you can save time answering client questions and set pet owners up for success.


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All the clinical information you need, all on one easy-to-use platform

Find essential information, fast

Search your patient’s condition, clinical signs, prescriptions, or even vaccinations to find practical guidance in seconds, so you can move on to your next case.

Get guidance for real cases

When was the last time a case went exactly as expected? Plumb’s™ has your back with accurate information on common challenges for hundreds of clinical conditions and signs.

Educate pet owners efficiently

Securely send pet owner guides that cover clinical conditions, preventive care, common procedures, and medications, so you can save time answering client questions and set pet owners up for success.


What our customers are saying about Plumb’s

Considering Plumb's or Plumb's Pro for your hospital?

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