How We Update Diagnostic and Treatment Information in Plumb’s Pro

July 3, 2024
4 min

We’ve all heard the adage that by the time a textbook is published, it’s already out of date. By some estimates, medical knowledge doubles every 2-3 months, making it difficult for veterinary textbooks (and practitioners) to keep up.

We created Dx & Tx, the diagnostic and treatment guides in Plumb’s Pro™, so you can skip the time-consuming search for reliable information online—or on your hospital bookshelf—and access current and accurate diagnostic and treatment information from any device. 

Let’s answer some of the common questions we get about the Dx & Tx monographs, so you can see what makes them a trustworthy replacement for the pile of veterinary textbooks on your shelf (or the gazillion open tabs on your computer).

1. What’s included in updates to Plumb’s Pro™?

Our top priority is ensuring you have the information you need, right when you need it.

We choose topics for new Dx & Tx monographs based on what veterinarians search for when using Plumb’s Pro™ and the feedback you give us about what you’d like to see covered. Our team also considers which essential clinical topics haven’t been sufficiently covered in existing veterinary resources.

When updating Dx & Tx monographs, our primary focus is ensuring diagnostic and treatment recommendations are current, so you can find the trusted information you need to make confident decisions for your patients.

Here’s a look at the Dx & Tx monographs that were visited most often over the last 12 months: 

  • Hypoadrenocorticism in Dogs
  • Hyperadrenocorticism in Dogs
  • Giardiasis
  • Pancreatitis in Dogs
  • Hyperthyroidism in Cats
  • Hypothyroidism in Dogs
  • Seizures
  • Urinary Tract Infections in Dogs
  • Acetaminophen Toxicosis
  • Asthma in Cats

2. Who writes and updates Dx & Tx Monographs in Plumb’s Pro™?

All Dx & Tx monographs contain all-new, original content written specifically to support your decision-making at the point of care.

We rely on an extensive network of board-certified specialists and peer reviewers to develop our Dx & Tx monographs. Each monograph is written and reviewed by a boarded veterinary specialist who is an expert on the topic in question, and each monograph contains thorough references so you can see precisely where the information originated.   

After a monograph is written, it undergoes a rigorous peer-review process. Two independent specialists, board-certified in the appropriate area of practice, go over the monograph with a fine-tooth comb. They ensure all the information is correct, up-to-date, and relevant to a general practitioner.

After publication, all Plumb’s Pro™ Dx & Tx monographs are regularly reviewed by a board-certified specialist in the appropriate practice area and updated based on new research and findings. 

This focus on expert contributors, rigorous peer review, and original content over AI-generated content sets Plumb’s Pro™ apart. When you rely on the diagnostic and treatment information in Plumb’s Pro™, you can feel confident that you’re following accurate, current recommendations from a qualified expert.

3. How can I tell what’s new and updated? 

In 2023, we updated more than 70 Dx & Tx monographs and added 36 new ones on topics like allium (garlic/onion) toxicosis, vomiting, and periorbital lesions. When we update or add a Dx & Tx monograph, we promptly publish updates to the Plumb’s™ website and mobile app.

Once we update or release a new monograph, we add a New or Updated tag at the top of the page. In Plumb’s, you’ll also see all new and updated monographs on a landing page, where you can quickly review fresh content and easily differentiate new from updated.

These new and updated monographs will stay in their respective lists for 60 days, so you have plenty of time to review them for the latest information.

See Dx & Tx in Action

See how the Dx & Tx monographs in Plumb's Pro™ can help you quickly and confidently work up cases.

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4. How else can Plumb’s Pro™ support me in practice?

As a clinical decision support tool, Plumb’s Pro™ provides the trusted information and tools you need to face any case that comes your way. It’s like having your textbooks and your go-to experts in one place, so you can find everything you need to make confident decisions for your patients.

Algorithms provide step-by-step guidance as you work through testing, differentials, and treatment, and clinical handouts help you educate pet owners about common conditions, procedures, and preventive care in language everyone can understand.

A Plumb’s Pro™ subscription also includes all the prescribing support of Plumb’s Veterinary Drugs®, with continually updated drug information, easy-to-understand drug handouts for pet owner education, and the first-of-its-kind veterinary drug interaction checker.

The Plumb’s™ team is committed to ensuring you have all the accurate, continually updated information you need to deliver the best care to your patients. 

Already a subscriber? Check out two recent Dx & Tx monographs: Alopecia X and Cholangitis in Cats.

Ready to level up your clinical decision support? Subscribe to Plumb’s Pro now.